Zac Report

Sunday, March 21, 2010

GOP Scare Tactics Record

On the 1993 deficit reduction package:
Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL), Los Angeles Times, 5/28/93:
They will remember who let loose this deadly virus into our economic bloodstream.
Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), GOP Press Conference, House TV Gallery, 8/5/93:
I believe this will lead to a recession next year. This is the Democrat machine's recession, and each one of them will be held personally accountable.
Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), 8/5/93:
Do you know what? This is your package. We will come back here next year and try to help you when this puts the economy in the gutter...
Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), CNN, 7/28/93:
This plan will not work. If it was to work, then I'd have to become a Democrat...
Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA), 8/5/93:
The problem with our economy is that there is too little employment and too little growth. This plan will do nothing to improve that condition and will actually make it worse.
Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA), 5/27/93:
This is really the Dr. Kevorkian plan for our economy.
Rep. Thomas Ewing (R-IL), 8/5/93:
...This bill is a disaster waiting to happen.
Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN), 3/17/93:
...will stifle economic growth, destroy jobs, reduce revenues, and increase the deficit.
Rep. Phil Crane (R-IL), 3/18/93:
...a recipe for economic and fiscal disaster.
On jobs:
Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), CNN, 7/28/93:
...We have a stagnant economy and there is nothing down the road that makes it look like we're going to have the kind of economic growth that puts people to work.
Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), CNN, 8/2/93:
The impact on job creation is going to be devastating, and the American young people in particular will suffer a fairly substantial deferment of their lives because there simply won't be jobs for the next two to three years to go around to our young graduates across the country.
Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), 5/27/93:
...your economic program is a job killer.
On interest rates:
Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), 8/5/93:
The economy will sputter along. Dreams will be put off and all this for the hollow promise of deficit reduction and magical theories of lower interest rates. Like so many of the President's past promises, deficit reduction will be another cruel hoax.
Rep. Wally Herger (R-CA), 8/4/93:
The simple fact is that the Clinton plan will not lower interest rates. It will not lower inflation. It will not create jobs. And it will no lower the deficit. The Clinton tax plan will spur inflation, lose jobs, increase the deficit, and hurt our economic growth.
On inflation:
Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH), 5/27/93:
The votes we will take today will not be soon forgotten by the American voter. [They] will lead to more taxes, higher inflation, and slower economic growth.
On the deficit:
Rep. John Kasich (R-OH), GOP News Conference, Senate Gallery, 8/3/93:
Come next year... we're going to find out whether we have higher deficits, we're going to find out whether we have a slower economy, we're going to find out what's going to happen to interest rates, and it's our bet that this is a job killer.
Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), CNN, 8/2/93:
Clearly this is a job killer in the short run. The revenues forecast for this budget will not materialize; the costs of this budget will be greater than what is forecast. The deficit will be worse, and it is not a good omen for the American economy.
Rep. Jim Bunning (R-KY), 8/5/93:
It will not cut the deficit. It will not create jobs. And it will not cut spending.
Rep. Dick Armey, CNN, 2/18/93:
I will tell you, this program will not give you deficit reduction. It will be a disaster for the performance of the economy.
Rep. Clifford Stearns (R-FL), 3/17/93:
...It will be the kind of impact that this country can't absorb. It will slow economic growth, contribute to the massive federal deficit....
Rep. Joel Hefley (R-CO), 8/4/93:
...It will raise your taxes, increase the deficit, and kill over one million jobs.
On Medicare:
Rep. Durward Hall (R-MO), 4/8/65:
...we cannot stand idly by now, as the Nation is urged to embark on an ill-conceived adventure in government medicine, the end of which no one can see, and from which the patient is certain to be the ultimate sufferer.
Rep. James Utt (R-CA):
We are going on the assumption that this is not socialized medicine. Let me tell you here and now it is socialized medicine.
Rep. Robert Michel (R-IL), 4/8/65:
...I, for one... will be one of those voting for the motion to substitute the Republican proposal and if that fails, to vote against the bill on final passage, and hope that it helps to draw attention to the horrendous tax burden that is going to be thrust upon every American and every future generation.
Rep. Tim Lee Carter (R-KY), 4/65:
As one of the last country doctors... I ask my colleagues to vote to recommit... a bill which will within a few years cruelly overburden the Social Security System and the young workers with growing families, who will be forced to pay higher Social Security taxes.
Sen. Milward Simpson (R-WY), 7/8/65:
This program could destroy private initiative for our aged to protect themselves with insurance against the cost of illness.
Presently, over 60 percent of our older citizens purchase hospital and medical insurance without Government assistance. This private effort would cease if Government benefits were given to all our older citizens.
Sen. Thruston B. Morton (R-KY), 7/65:
I have always maintained that if a program is to be successful, it must... be voluntary... based on need and must not be financed through a payroll tax.
Sen. Leverett Saltonstall (R-MA), 5/65:
... I personally believe that a voluntary plan financed from general revenues... is preferable to the Medicare program.
Quotes from the Report of the Ways and Means Committee on the Social Security Amendments of 1965. Separate Views of the Republicans.
From op cit., additional separate views of the Honorable Joel T. Broyhill (R-VA):
If the hospitals are prevented from charging the customary rates to the patients over age 65, hospital costs for patients under age 65 will have to be increased in order to make up the difference. In order to reduce its losses, when the patients under age 65 can no longer bear such increases, the hospital will be forced to curtail the quality of its service.
... Medicare would initiate what would ultimately become a Federal monopoly in regard to the financing and rendering of health care with respect to our aged to the detriment of endeavors of the private sector; this would impair the quality of health care, retard the advancement of medical science, and displace private insurance.
Individual views of Senate Finance Committee Republicans, Senators Williams, Bennett, Curtis, Morton, 6/65:
We must oppose any legislation which would derive its financing from a compulsory tax on the first dollars of wages earned by the nation's working men and women to pay the hospital and other medical bills.... Such legislation produces an unequitable and unjustified tax burden on gross earnings of wage earners.
Ronald Reagan taped anti-Medicare message saying:
"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism has been by way of medicine." He urged his listeners to write to Congress opposing Medicare and warned, "If you don't do this, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was like in American when men were free."
This spot was paid for by AMA and AMPAC, and played at Operation Coffee Cup coffees put on by doctors' wives.
Raymond E. King, Jr., National Association of Life Underwriters, 5/65:
[The Medicare bill would] set up a health care program which served little or no necessary social purpose and which owuld be a direct, unwarranted and completely unfair intrusion in private enterprise.
Dr. Clifford H. Keene, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, 5/65:
...permit citizens a choice of prepaid medical coverage under our type of plan or any other voluntary health insurance plan.
Dr. Donovan Ward, President, American Medical Association, 5/65:
...the result of such programs in other countries had been over utilization of facilities and rising costs, and that as emphasis shifted from quality to cost, as it must under a publicly financed program, a deterioration in the quality of care is inescapable.
Paul D. Hill, International Association of Health Underwriters, 5/65:
[There is] no demonstrable need for the program and the costs of the program are not fully known and when they are realized will be so high tha they will be intolerable to wage earners of the country.
On Social Security:
Rep. John Taber (R-NY), 4/19/35:
Never in the history of the world has any measure been brought here so insidiously designed as to prevent business recovery, to enslave workers and to prevent any possibility of the employers providing work for the people.
Rep. Daniel Reed (R-NY), 1935:
The lash of the dictator will be felt and 25 million free American citizens will for the first time submit themselves to a fingerprint test.
Rep. James W. Wadsworth (R-NY), 1935:
This bill opens the door and invites the entrance into the political field of a power so vast, so powerful as to threaten the integrity of our institutions and to pull the pillars of the temple down upon the heads of our descendants.

Health Care Gets Ugly

You may have heard or read about the ugly scenes on Capitol Hill yesterday, when a few conservative activists shouted racial and homophobic epithets at Democratic lawmakers. Today the conservative activists are back. And so is the ugliness--only this time, a few Republicans were actually encouraging them.

That's an incendiary charge, I know. But let me describe what just transpired here inside the House of Representatives:

Moments ago, while members were on the floor for a vote, a protester stood up in the visitor's gallery and began shouting "Kill the bill! Kill the bill! Kill the bill!" Clerks quickly removed him. But as they were doing so, a number of Republicans--at least a dozen, from what I could see from a few feet away--were cheering the man.

Representative Barney Frank, who was the target of yesterday's homophobic epithets, told reporters he was "appalled" and that he felt the Republicans "were encouraging him to resist. ... I've never seen members of the House cheering on a guy resisting being kicked out of the gallery. It's a dangerous situation and the Republicans are cheering him on."

Frank says he approached one of his Republican colleagues--I think he said it was Missouri's Roy Blunt--and told them his caucus should not be stoking this kind of emotion. Blunt apparently replied by saying he wasn't one of the Republicans cheering.

Meanwhile, conservative activists are staging a rally on the North lawn, which is right outside the House chamber. A trio of Republicans went to the House balcony and started waving hand-made signs saying "Kill...the...bill" as the crowd chanted. As a colleague of mine remarked, that scene was more farcical than scary--like a scene out of Evita. But there's something just a bit unsettling about all of this.

To be clear, I have no problem with a robust demonstration. The activists have every right to their views and every right to express those views. And I certainly don't want to impugn the actions a large group of people--whether it's the House Republican caucus or the protesters outside--based on the actions of a hand-held people. Representative Mike Pence later said that he was glad the protester would be removed, assuring Democrats that Republicans would do what they could to uphold decorum. Good for him.

But, as I reported yesterday, the protests have taken on a slightly menacing tone, one that's manifesting itself in many different ways. Marin Cogan, who wrote for TNR before moving over to Politico, reports that protesters confronted her on the way into the building, shoving a bullhorn in her face and yelling "media bias! Media bias! Media bias!" And there were sharper confrontations with actual members of Congress.

She and her colleague, Meredith Shiner, filed this dispatch:

Tea Party protesters disrupted Speaker Nancy Pelosi's press stakeout at a House Office Building, yelling "you're a disgrace to your office" and one protester yelled a gay epithet at Rep. Barney Frank again on Sunday, adding yet another layer of chaos to an already tense afternoon on Capitol Hill.

In a moment of apparently unscripted political theater, Pelosi and Democratic leaders marched arm in arm across the Capitol complex while protesters yelled at them and police held a barricade.

The Pelosi disruption came inside the Cannon office building, where Democrats where whipping the final votes for the historic health care overhaul. When Pelosi said "We're doing this for the American people," a protestor yelled "you're doing this TO the American people!"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Orion Nebula In 3D Will Take Your Breath Away (PHOTO, VIDEO)

I was a bit afraid when i clicked on this link, because it said, this will take my breath away, I was quite not sure if I really wanted my breath to be taken away,

as I will die luckily I still have my breath.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Iowa Congressman And Glenn Beck Agree: Sunday Health Care Vote Is 'An Affront To God'

Conservatives always tend to use their excuse about God, its become tiring to just let them use their god for every excuse they have.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Health Care Updates: Democrats, Republicans Respond To CBO Score

Rep. Steve Lynch (D-Mass.

PREACH BROTHA!! He said it right,

Exactly what I have been talking about, This bill is a give-away for the insurance companies, I understand where he is coming from, and he is exactly right, in every word.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dennis Kucinich Flips On Health Care Reform: Will Support The Bill

I understand Rep. Kucinich I would do the same, the guy fought hard to the last minute, to get a Public Option or anything that can make this bill more for the people, then for the insurance market. But Rep. Kucinich seem to have lost the battle


Sad but true
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Orly Taitz Fined: Court Upholds $20,000 Sanction Against 'Birther Queen'

Come on I mean, even if Obama was not born in Hawaii, wouldnt that be revealed in the campaign, with Edwards, Clinton, Mccain and all the others who were running for office would sure take this new "black" guy down if they knew he did not have his birth certificate right. They did everything to find dirt on eachother they literally have research teams to find them, so the birthers yeah I guess you can call them racists, Or they may even count Hawaii as a foreign state, because their is less white people and more brown people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bill Maher: The Environment Is The Ultimate Health Care Issue (VIDEO)

Climate Change is real, and it is happening, There is no reason to deny when top scientists

who know their stuff, and spend their days monitoring the earth, says it is true.

But every now and then, there comes these flat-earthers aka. republicans aka. conservatives who believe, in an imaginary friend up in the sky who have everything under control, and we dont really need to worry about wether we are destroying the earth or not.

See there is money to made of Carbon, alot of top businesses are fighting tooth and nail against Climate change, because they profit from it thats just the truth.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Will Not Include Public Option In Final Bill

Great Nancy Pelosi

and you Dems

are out of there by November

say goodbye..

Scumbags and Corporate whores

not a slight different from the Republicans
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care

This obviously do not suprise me,

the biggest hypocrit, :p

I allthough applaud her for being honest..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, March 1, 2010